The Boy from Oz Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman
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The Boy From Oz
Imperial Theatre, New York

Aussie hunk Hugh Jackman is starring  in a musical biography of the late entertainer Peter Allen, who was a protege of Judy Garland and was briefly married to Liza Minnelli. 

Show Dates:
Performances from 16 Sep 2003
Opening 16 Oct 2003
Closing Open-Ended
Performance Schedule:
Tuesday - Saturday @8pm
Wednesday and Saturday @2pm
Sunday @3pm

December 22, 2003

"Ten performances of the Broadway musical 'The Boy From Oz' will be canceled when its star, Hugh Jackman, goes on vacations," reports the
New York Times.  "Performances will be canceled on Feb. 1, Feb. 3 to Feb. 6, March 28 and March 30 to April 2."
October 27, 2003

Almost all of the reviews of the show
The Boy from Oz have loved the star Hugh Jackman but have hated the show, wrote Robin Pogrebin in the New York Times.